ADA Training

We provide training on all ADA topics, and on all levels from basic to advanced. Trainings are available in-person, webcast, and online.

We offer custom training programs that are custom-tailored to your specific organization, situation, and level of need. Contact us to inquire about custom training programs.

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Free Online Training

Our online classes are now available to the public at no cost. New classes are added regularly.

If you need training that is not covered in our catalog of free courses, or if you need training catered to your organization, please fill out our training request form so we can help create a training program for you.

View our free course catalog


Instructional Materials

The Rocky Mountain ADA Center produces instructional guides and how-tos for increasing accessibility.

How does the Rocky Mountain ADA Center’s free online courses count toward the ACTCP?

All our online courses count as 2-credit electives. The only exception is our ADA History and Overview Course, which counts as the 1-credit "ADA Basics" pre-requisite course. None of our online courses count for foundational-level ACTCP credits, but they're a great option for knocking out electives (the ACTCP requires 22 elective credits).

We recommend you check out the ADA Coordinator Certification Program’s website: ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP) - Great Plains ADA Center to learn more about the program’s specific requirements.

For the courses listed below under required training, you can add them from our Course Catalog: Rocky Mountain ADA Training | Course catalog (

From the topic training, we do have some of these courses available:

How should trainees go about submitting their RMADAC training certificates for ACTCP credits?

Instructions for uploading training certificates for ACTCP credits can be found on the ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP) - Great Plains ADA Center website. If you attend trainings facilitated by the Great Plains ADA Center, you may not need to upload those certificates for ACTCP credit; they will be automatically entered in your portal. 

Additionally, you can find some material within two of our courses on the topics of right of way and reasonable accommodation: our Accessible Transportation (Rocky Mountain ADA Training | Course catalog | Accessible Transportation ( and Title I Overview course. However, we recommend you also look into the U.S. Access Board’s website for PROWAG (Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines) webinars: U.S. Access Board - Home (

If you have any other specific questions regarding the certification program, please contact Mike Edwards, program director for the ACTCP at

We're a SHRM Recertification Provider

SHRM Brand Recertification BadgeThe Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) credential proves your competence in the field and your dedication to the profession; maintaining it shows you are commited to self-improvement and HR excellence. We are certified SHRM recertification providers, allowing you to keep your valuable certification standing.

Contact us to inquire about SHRM recertification.