Title III of the ADA covers places of public accommodation, places where the general public may visit, so the ADA may only apply to a leasing office at an apartment complex or another shared area available for public use.
Residential spaces are not covered by the ADA. Exceptions to this are for housing at a place of education and public housing subsidized by a state or local government.
The Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) do have disability non-discrimination statutes and accessibility standards, so exploring your rights under FHA and HUD may assist further you if your accessibility needs are related to housing issues.
These laws often intersect and overlap. If you are unsure of whether FHA or ADA covers your circumstance, contact us and we can assist you.
- Fair Housing Accessibility First: 888-341-7781
- Housing Discrimination Hotline - Operated by HUD: 800-669-9777
- HUD Denver Regional Office - serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming: 800) 877-7353
- For information on retrofitting a home for wheelchair access, it is best to contact the local Independent Living Center which serves your county.