International Day of Disabled Persons

Promoting understanding of disability and mobilizing support, dignity and well-being for people with disabilities.

The annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), first launched in 1992 by the United Nations, is scheduled this year for December 3, 2022.  The IDPD serves to promote understanding of ongoing disability issues around the globe. This year’s theme is “Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development: The Role of Innovation in Fueling an Accessible and Equitable World.”

Including people with disabilities is essential to initiatives that seek to include all groups of people. Historically, while the largest minority group, people with disabilities are one of the most excluded groups in the world.

Did you know: 

  • Of the worldwide one-billion population of persons with disabilities, 80% live in developing countries.
  • An estimated 46% of older people aged 60 years and over are people with disabilities.
  • One in every five women is likely to experience disability in her life, while one in every ten children is a child with a disability.
  • Persons with disabilities in the world are among the hardest hit by COVID-19.
  • Ninety per cent of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school.

What can you do to support IDPD?  Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

  • Host a disability awareness training at your place of work or place of worship or at other organizations you may be involved with.   
  • Know the appropriate laws to reduce the risk of illegal treatment of employees with disabilities.
  • Actively work to transform negative perceptions of people with disabilities.
  • Improve accessibility and inclusion wherever you are located.
  • Be aware of appropriate and respectable language when referring to individuals with disabilities.
  • Include writers and bloggers with disabilities on your list to follow on social media.

For more important information on Persons with Disabilities, check out these resources:

Fact Sheet

Training | Rocky Mountain ADA

Resources | International Day of Persons with Disabilities | United Nations

Disability and the Media | United Nations Enable