Ep. 42 - Judy Heumann

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Episode Description

This episode was recorded on February 15, 2023. Less than three weeks later, on March 4, 2023, we received with great sadness the news that Judy Heumann passed away.

As you will hear in this episode, Judy was fiercely and continually devoted to strengthening the disability rights movement and calling in others to do the same. She fought the good fight for disabled people throughout her entire life. She was instrumental in advancing and defending disability rights at the national and international levels—truly a powerhouse for our community. To say her contributions are lasting is an understatement.

She will be deeply missed, and we are so honored to have gotten to spend some time with her. We send our deepest condolences to Judy’s family, friends, and anyone who was affected by her work and feels her loss, which is many.

Learn more about Judy: