Access Granted

Access Granted is our blog giving you the latest in ADA news and updates.

If you need in-depth information or training, we offer training programs and resources to help you and your team understand disability rights, giving leaders peace of mind and creating a better workplace for everyone.

Blog Article

Tips for building/designing sidewalks to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Almost every concrete contractor has a horror story about trying to build sidewalks that meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Blog Article

Shot While Disabled: Breakdown in Communication (Part 1 of 2)

A law enforcement officer’s life is never easy, especially when it comes to responding to calls. A law enforcement officer can never know what can happen or whether they will come home alive.

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The Top Three Referrals We Make

As we often say, “If we can’t help you, we’ll find someone who can.” These are the top three organizations we refer people to.

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From Learning to Retention

For learning and development professionals there are three targeted approaches to leading a workshop.

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In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind

The ADA does not require people to be kind or use certain language, but here we discuss ways to make your language more respectful and inclusive.

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Supports for Superheroes

There are great resources available for parents!

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Putting Title I Retaliation Fears to Bed

People who are employed in the United States should not be afraid to seek equity in the workplace because of fear of retaliation by their employer. This is a concept I wanted to bring to the fore so that people know they have these rights in the first place.

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It's Brain Injury Awareness Month

A personal look into brain injury.

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Why you should care about the Americans with Disabilities Act

From what I can tell, most people don’t know much about the ADA, if anything.

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What is a Service Animal?

One of the most popular topics at the Rocky Mountain ADA Center is Service Animals and it seems to be a trending topic throughout the nation.