Access Granted

Access Granted is our blog giving you the latest in ADA news and updates.

If you need in-depth information or training, we offer training programs and resources to help you and your team understand disability rights, giving leaders peace of mind and creating a better workplace for everyone.

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Small Biz and Drive-By Lawsuits

In 2018, the RMADAC completed research on the number of “drive-by” lawsuits that had been filed within our

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Accessible Summer

Accessibility – bravely going where everyone else has gone before!

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Disabled v. Disability

Based on my life experiences of having a disability and having several friends and loved ones with disabilities, methods that have improved my own mental health by challenging my own outlook on physical disability, mindset, and identity.

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Let the Festivities Begin!

July is a month of celebration.

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Assistive Technology Series: Screen Readers

Accessible websites and documents go beyond colors, text, and images. Is your content compatible with a screen reader?

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Give More, Expect More

This post is about trying to get people to understand the bigger picture behind the ADA Standards, and for business owners to understand that holding themselves to higher standards can help them reap bigger rewards by encouraging them to think beyond the minimum.

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Physical Accessibility of Health Care - Part 2

Today, I want to share with you Part Two of an Accessible Healthcare Series.

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My 5 Favorite Disability Podcasts

What are the best disability podcasts to listen to in 2019?

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Physical Accessibility in Health Care - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 in a series on physical accessibility in health care.

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Leading the Blind – The Journey from Prospect to Guide Dog

A documentary following the journey of guide dog puppy prospects. They have a lot to learn, and you may learn a few things, too.