If You Only Know One Thing about New Construction, Know This...
A big part of my role at the ADA Center is to demystify physical access requirements from the ADA. In a perfect world, every physical structure would be equally usable by everyone. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world.
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Is Obsesssive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a Disability Under the ADA?
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), as a “long-lasting disorder in which a person experie
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Parkinson's Disease
Did you know that not only is April Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Awareness month, but April 11th is Parkinson’s Disease International Awareness Day?
Knowledge Translation
When is gender dysphoria considered a disability under the ADA?
A more conversational approach to our full research report on gender dysphoria.
The ADA is a very broad law that includes almost all parts of life in the U.S. It covers employment practices, access to public services and facilities, state and local government operations, transportation, education, service animals and more.
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X-Men, Champions of Disability?
I have an admission: I’m a nerd. I am at least nerdy enough to be aware that Marvel is rebooting the X-Men animated series soon with the show X-Men ’97 on Disney’s digital content platform.
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What's New in WCAG 2.2?
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, the latest iteration of the internationally recognized standards for web accessibility, brings forth some much-anticipated key updates
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Vocational Rehabilitation Business Relations Services for Businesses
For a number of businesses finding resources and support to help with the recruitment, hiring, and retention of individuals with disabilities can feel like an overwhelming task. The Rocky Mountain ADA Center is a wonderful resource that provides
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One Step at a Time
The ADA has opened up so many opportunities for citizens with disabilities! Our communities have become more welcoming to those with mobility limitations, customers with service animals, and those who need effective communication.
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When Title l would have made a big difference for me.
Title I of the ADA covers employment. My assumption is that having an equal opportunity to have a job is integral to being able to participate in society.