Access Granted

Access Granted is our blog giving you the latest in ADA news and updates.

If you need in-depth information or training, we offer training programs and resources to help you and your team understand disability rights, giving leaders peace of mind and creating a better workplace for everyone.

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Have You Heard of the Paralympics?

Team USA has won the overall and gold medal count at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France. I hope you were able to enjoy watching athletes from around the world compete in your favorite Olympic sports.

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Timing is Everything

Under the ADA, questions about disability are limited, according to the stage of the hiring process.

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Prioritizing Mental Health: 5 Tips to Adjust to the Upcoming Season Change

Summer is one of my favorite months because the days are longer, warmer, and full of light. The flowers that bloomed from spring are still going strong, the birds are happy and chirping, and there’s plenty of sunshine to be found.

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Safe Harbor vs. Safe Harbor

The primary reason that the Americans with Disabilities Act Centers exist is because the ADA is such a complicated law. It’s not exactly straightforward for those who do not work with the guidance and regulations on a daily basis.

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Dementia in the Workplace

Our family has recently been affected by someone close to us who has been diagnosed with dementia. I don't understand all the ramifications, as I am just now learning about it myself.

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Aging Parents with Disabilities and the ADA

In Latino cultures, it is expected that adult children will care for their parents at some point in their lives, and the likelihood of doing so increases with age.

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Disability Rights Laws Around the Globe

For countries who follow the International Building Code (IBC) and American National Standards/ANSI A117.1-2017: Accessible and Usable Buildings requirements, most of the physical accessibility requirements consistent with the 2010 Americans with

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The ADA Celebrates 34 Years

It's hard to believe but July 2024 is the 34th anniversary of the passing of the ADA. What were you doing when the ADA passed? I was busy raising three kids and was completely oblivious to the new law.

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Structural Impracticability/Technical Infeasibility

Vizzini: “Inconceivable!”

Inigo Montoya: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

- The Princess Bride

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Continuing to Break New Ground

Civil rights laws continue to make a difference!  The ADA was a ground-breaking civil rights law that passed in 1990 and will celebrate its 34th anniversary in July.