Access Granted

Access Granted is our blog giving you the latest in ADA news and updates.

If you need in-depth information or training, we offer training programs and resources to help you and your team understand disability rights, giving leaders peace of mind and creating a better workplace for everyone.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know…

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Accessible Outdoor Activities in the Rocky Mountain Region

As the snow starts to melt and flowers start to bloom, springtime in the Rockies brings a sense of renewal and signals a time to partake in outdoor activities.

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Business Realities: The ADA Compliance Puzzle

The reasons businesses may struggle with or choose not to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can vary based on several factors.

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Adaptive Avalanche Course, the First of it's Kind

Recently, I was afforded the opportunity to participate in a backcountry avalanche safety and rescue course. This was a course specifically for people with disabilities by people with disabilities.

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Ahhhh, Spring!

Springtime - flowers, birds building nests, and longer hours of sunshine! Looking forward to spring and milder, warmer weather, we usually also think of living life a little less confined.

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If You Only Know One Thing about New Construction, Know This...

A big part of my role at the ADA Center is to demystify physical access requirements from the ADA. In a perfect world, every physical structure would be equally usable by everyone. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world.

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Is Obsesssive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a Disability Under the ADA?

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), as a “long-lasting disorder in which a person experie

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Parkinson's Disease

Did you know that not only is April Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Awareness month, but April 11th is Parkinson’s Disease International Awareness Day?

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The ADA is a very broad law that includes almost all parts of life in the U.S. It covers employment practices, access to public services and facilities, state and local government operations, transportation, education, service animals and more.

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X-Men, Champions of Disability?

I have an admission: I’m a nerd. I am at least nerdy enough to be aware that Marvel is rebooting the X-Men animated series soon with the show X-Men ’97 on Disney’s digital content platform.